Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 8: Drawn In - Kari Setlak

Tonight on our walk, I literally made my boyfriend stop in his tracks because I wanted to take this photo. My eye was drawn in immediately by the quality of light and the way that isolation interacts with the larger picture. Although each lamp draws attention to the small area bathed in its light, their setup pulls the viewer all the way in and towards the end of the walkway. Compared to the dimming light blue sky as the sun begins to set in the background, the harsher yellow lamps cut through the enclosing darkness with a certain boldness. I've realized in my last couple posts that I have a fascination with the time during which the city lights start to come up but before the natural light of the sun has disappeared. It makes me feel a certain apprehension but also gives me a sense of curiosity, and this image was definitely no exception in my mind. This view reminded me of the kind of magical realism we've been discussing in class, especially in regards to Anna in the Tropics. And I have to admit that it does feel nice to have found new ways for my brain to convert mundaneness into escapism through this lens, especially right now.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post and I am so glad you are seeing things differently. My wife and I take a walk at this time of night each day with our dog and it really helps to calm and re-center me - nice post!
