Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week 6-Juice in a Fancy Cup-Lissette Garrido

Last week my parents wanted to recreate what it's like to be in a restaurant again. My mom doesn't drink wine very often but she wanted to feel "fancy." She put cranberry juice in a wine class to get as close as possible to recreating wine. It was also a candlelit dinner to make it a little more romantic. When I saw where my mom had placed her cup I had to take a picture of it.

I really like the way the lighting is in the back of the cup giving off a pinkish lighting. It reminded me of a cyc light in the background of the cup and the lighting from the living room in the background as well. The light from the candle is also illuminating the bottom the cup as well giving it a romantic/mysterious feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely elegant photo. The image seems to match your dinner exactly. Very nice mention of parallels to theatre and also how it affected your emotions. May be a way that people in the Renaissance time decided to use wine to color the scenery :)
