Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week 8 - A Day's Upcoming Night - Hector Hernandez

Hello everyone!

Today i am demonstrating a picture i took around Stanford Court before dusk. Seeing how the sun shines close to 7:00 PM when the sun is close to setting, the light it brings to this area really caught my attention. The contrasting colors on the buildings and the floor really caught my attention as shown by the building's warm yellow & orange colors due to the sun's reflections, all while seeing the cool shaded floor, giving a darker and cool blue mood to the picture. Seeing the light this picture bring makes me think of a relaxing and satisfying mood to the scene because the lack in sunlight all over the picture makes me feel like the day is close to the end, where i am done working for the day and I can relax now that the night is close, later to go sleep in bed once night arrives.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post and connection from light to your state of mind - it is amazing how lighting can help us through the day, giving energy and then calming us
