Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 4: Shadow - Kari Setlak

My picture this week was taken inside of my apartment from my couch, the light source being a bug zapper that my boyfriend set up recently. It's about a foot and a half wide and a foot tall and has two long UV lights that cast the room in a purple glow. The purple doesn't show up quite as well in the picture, but the deep colored light creates an ominous feeling in the space. The shadows that the directionality of the light source create behind the bar stools also remind me of the shadows that Expressionist film creators would paint onto sets to achieve a sense of mystery and suspense, even just flooded with one source of light. The geometric lines and curves of the shadows also give a particular harsh feeling that interacts with the color of the light to create an air of foreboding to me.

1 comment:

  1. I had very similar images in mind when I looked at this photo - a great study in light and style :)
