Hi all. This is Diemmi here with a new post, this time from outside. When I took this picture a couple of days ago, it was the first time that I left the house in three weeks. I walked around my block and discovered a small hiking trail that seemed fully abandoned, and this picture was created on my way to the top. In this moment, I felt a sense of calm and serenity, which the green of the grass/trees along with the solid clear blue sky added to the feeling. Also, due to me being a person that loves the city, I found comfort in knowing that "civilization" was so nearby.
Every time I look at this picture, I can remember the birds chirping yet the cars running down a street further away, making me see the irony in how the earth surrounds and consumes all that is urban or vice versa. It seems to me that no matter what, the manmade finds a way of inserting itself into a picture that otherwise would have been solely nature. Even the source of light in this photo is completely natural sunlight and there is nothing artificial when it comes to light. Like the equality and balance of the earth, the sunlight shines on everything equally, and there is no one spot in the picture that shines better than the rest. There are only certain colors that seem to be more vivid than others, those (in my opinion) being the green and blues being more bright than the beige and browns of the houses.
Really nice connections to your state of mind and the quality of light and imagery in the photo :)