Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 2: Shimmer - Kari Setlak

Hey everyone! I'm Kari, and I hope we can all get to know each other a little better through these posts every other week. I'm excited to see what all of you are seeing in your daily life, especially since life has shifted at least slightly for everyone this quarter, as well as maybe some pictures of things you saw before (as my post shows this week).

Since I've been sewing since I was young and have continued to design and construct costumes into my adulthood, my eye has long been drawn to the way that light catches on different fabrics. I took this before social distancing and stay-at-home announcements were made, one of the last times I was able to go to Joanne's in person. I love shifting the fabric around to see what it will look like in different places underneath of the light, and this one especially caught my eye because of its shine and shimmer. I was drawn to the way that the light hits and bounces in the highest places and absorbs into the shadow in the dips and folds. This is mostly possible because of the stark white lighting within such craft stores, which I appreciate because of the almost "pureness" of the appearance of the fabrics consequently. I take pictures like these all the time (when I'm able to actually go out and see bolts myself) when I see something I like but don't necessarily need right then. But this image especially showcases not only the color and sheen of the fabric itself, but also the bright light that caused the magical appearance that drew my attention.

1 comment:

  1. Really unique post. Light and fabric affects our designs more than most people know. Not only the sheen of the fabric, but the color and the material itself all determines how we see it. .
