Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 4: Ceiling Lights - Tina K

Hello all!

This week, I share to you all a photo of my kitchen ceiling! On our kitchen ceiling, we have six lights, in 2 rows of 3, sitting parallel from each other. These lights help in keeping the kitchen area bright while I cook dinner. As you can tell, one light bulb is a warmer colour than the other bulbs. This is because my family accidentally bought a warmer bulb without checking the colour tone of it first. It was funny coming home from Irvine to see a single bulb a different colour in our kitchen.

I also noticed when I took this photo the reflections of the lights on the lens that created a green offset glow in the photo. I have always had problems with this in the past when filming videos and taking photos, so if anyone knows a way to prevent this from happening, I'd really appreciate it!! Why this happens will always be a mystery to me...

1 comment:

  1. Nice discussion of Color Temperature as it related to Kelvin Temperature - if you email me some examples and descriptions of the green shift I can probably give you tips to fix it :)
