Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 10 - Tyler Garcia - Borrowed Light, Bright Light, Bright Light

Borrowed Light, Bright Light, Bright Light
For my final blog post, I've chosen a photo that I took outside my parents' house a few nights ago.  A couple weeks ago I moved back up here, and it's definitely been really weird adjusting, and living in my childhood room with a bunch of still-packed moving boxes.  But one of my favorite things about my hometown, if not my favorite thing about it, is the night sky.  If it isn't cloudy out, I can look out at the night sky and see hundreds and hundreds of stars, constellations, and sometimes even planets.  When I got out of my car and looked toward my house, I saw the moon shining overhead, beaming brightly and pouring moonlight over my house.  This picture is unedited, the moon really is that bright at our house, it's crazy.  I've always loved the night sky, and it's very comforting to be able to look into it and see the infinite possibilities that the universe could become.

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