Friday, June 5, 2020

Week 10 - Context - Matthew Byrd

As my town sets up now for the second protest this week. I sit here among the barricades and chain link fences that are sure to hear angry voices and racial slurs full of hatred. I can't help but think about context. Normally a photo of this nature minus the fence would be seen as hopeful, patriotic, optimistic even. The beautiful golden being cast by the sun the rich greens and blues of the sky and tree. The uplifting feeling of looking up to the sky. Now I see this setting and its changed. I feel this deep groaning pain, the greens and blues are no longer hopful or rich but hot and oppressive. The flag no longer optimistic but torn dominating ominous, I'm no longer looking hopefully up at the sky but feel as if it is looking down upon me and everyone else that passes by casting judgement waiting for them to give it an excuse. Context, context means everything.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it truly is. Scenery helps as well, the fence definitely puts a certain feeling on it - also the subtle shadows in it. Nice post.
