Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Week 10- Make It Blue - Rachel Stinger

Happy week 10 everyone! I can't believe that this is my last week of undergrad. I took this photograph on my friend's balcony in November of 2019. I was admiring the sunset and was enraptured by the blue gradient of the sky before the sky turned to black. I love that the sky is a lush indigo/royal blue at the top of the photograph and shifts into the pale lavender and then finally a soft yellow right where the sky meets the shadowed city silhouettes. You can faintly see the powerline cables, but they look as fragile as spiderwebs. Most of the shadow is concentrated at the bottom of the picture, but there are thin trees and powerline supports extend upwards towards the dark blue. I love the contrast between light and shadow and the balance between the two. The emotion I get from this photograph is a sense of serenity and calmness. Blue is commonly associated with these feelings so it is only fitting that I felt those in that moment. I also feel melancholy while looking at this photo. So much has changed between November and June and the only way we can move is forward.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty photo and very nice analysis of the color and how it affected your emotions. Congratulations on graduation!!
    It was great having you in one of your last classes at UCI
