Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 1 | Merle DeWitt

Hello Everyone, my name is Merle DeWitt III and I am one of the TA's for this class. The image I chose to share with you all is from my first professional Assistant Lighting design. I took this while they were testing our LED strip units. In the moment I remember thinking how beautiful the rainbow effect looked against the pale amber sunset; this coupled with the white set and ocean (that is barely visible) I have always loved this moment. Other than the beauty of this moment and the fond memory, I wanted to share this because I feel that this is a moment that not many people would have thought to take a picture of. This moment during the tech process, of a look that is not even a cue evoked an emotional response from me. The angle that I was at was actually back stage right, so no audience member would have ever seen this, but that is ok, it was a "process" photo that I have cherished and kept in the back of my mind and it also shows a lovely contrast between a pretty artificial light and a beautiful natural backdrop. 

I look forward to working with you all this quarter and can't wait to see what you all find to post.

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