Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Lighting observations for Spring Quarter 2020 in UC Irvine beginning lighting design class

Welcome to 50c Blogging for Spring 2020:

The intention of these blogs is to help you develop your eye for light, not just in the theatre, but in your everyday life.

In order to more effectively understand how light can alter the perception of the audience; we need to first understand how it alters our perception, daily.

As we move through the quarter, I hope that this blog will help you to discover light in ways that you have not seen before.

Perhaps you'll see colors you've never noticed before, you may recognize the angle of a certain light, and maybe you will find ways to articulate how a light makes you feel.

In order to assist with this process, I've created this blog so that all of you may contribute a short piece every other week on an aspect of light that you have noticed in your journeys.

This can include a beautiful sunset, a well-lit store, or just what happens to your emotions when the sun moves behind a cloud. Anything and everything can be included.  Photos can be taken in your own neighborhood.

Your postings are 10% of your grade.

Include photos or short videos with your post to help see what you are describing.

Whether or not you continue in lighting design after this class, I hope that this online journal will help you to discover inspiration for your art in daily life.

Make sure to fill in the subject line with the following information:
Creative title/subject for each posting with the Week # of the quarter and your name.

You will be submitting posts every other week starting in Week 2.  You will post in Week 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.

Thank you and Happy Blogging!!

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